Become a 21st Century Executive

Serving as a guiding inspiration to help the next generation with making the right career choices, The 3 Minute Mentor team have created a new book, Become a 21st Century Executive: Breaking Away from the Pack. This easy-to-read and clear-cut manual for any worker, manager, and leader of any sort who finds themselves muddling through their job and career.

In each chapter, Become a 21st Century Executive provides practical advice on how to avoid being a stuck-in-the-middle manager, and how to start behaving and becoming a 21st century executive.

Avaialble at now.


The next phase

One of the areas of learning that is receiving more focus in our mis/dis/information world is how we receive and process information. When you head down this path, you enter the world on Cognitive Biases, Logical Fallacies, and eye-opening information about how your brain works.

I am writing on this subject at my Substack.

Press the word 'Substack' above and head down the rabbit hole.

Find Me

For your business: let Adclaro help you find your 'bulls-eye' and point your business for success. 
For your career: the free website, The 3 Minute Mentor website and the book, Become a 21st Century Executive are designed to help you build your career and become a better manager. 
For your team: a regular speaker at business and community groups, let me help your organization prepare for the challenges of living and working in the 21st Century.
How can I help you?